रम्यजुगुप्सितादिरूपं वस्तु अवस्तु वा रसीभूय कविभावेन अनाक्रान्तं लोके नास्तीत्याह रम्यमिति । विष्णोः सुतेनापीति । न केवलं विष्णुना किं तु तत्सुतेनापि धनंजयनाम्ना दशरूपमाविष्कृतमित्यर्थः1175 ।
A.T.A. also reads vikṛtam. vivṛta perhaps would be a better counterpart of gahana, as the verse seems to have in other cases ramya and jugupsita, udāra and nīca, and ugra and prasādi.
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This is the significance of api in the verse. See verse I.2 of the DR and the comments thereon, to have a clear idea of the significance of api intended by the author. Viṣṇu was the name of the father of Dhanaṃjaya (and Dhanika too ?).