Abbreviations and Sigla
Primary Textual Sources
- Edited Sanskrit text of the Caryāmelāpakapradīpa of Āryadeva, based on sources as follows:
- A
- Microfilm copy of Sanskrit manuscript held by the Asiatic Society of Bengal: manuscript no. 4837; catalogued as Vajrayānasādhanāṅgānī; palm leaf, 36 leaves, Old Newari/Proto-Bengali script, 28.5 3 5 cm. (The first half of MS B.)
- B
- Microfilm copy of Sanskrit manuscript held by the National Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal: manuscript no. 3-363/vi, bauddhatantra 8; catalogued as Saṃśaya-pariccheda; palm leaf, 36 leaves, Old Newari/Proto-Bengali script, 28.5 3 5 cm; NGMPP reel no. A48/6, filmed on 19 October 1970. (The second half of MS A, minus the last folio.)
- C
- Microfilm copy of photograph of Sanskrit manuscript made by Rāhul Sāṅkṛtyāyan in Tibet (Ngor Monastery); paper, 69 leaves (final 27 containing CMP), Old Bengali script, 12.33 3 2.17 in., 9 lines per side, Bandurski no. Xc 14/30.
- Pn
- editio princeps of Janardan Pandey (See Pandey 2000).
- Edited text of Spyod pa bsdus pa'i sgron ma—the Tibetan translation of the Caryāmelāpakapradīpa by Śraddhākaravarman and Rin-chen bZang-po.
- Co
- Co-ne edition; microform copy by IASWR held in library of American Institute of Buddhist Studies/ Columbia Center for Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, New York.
- D
- sDe-dge edition; facsimile reprint of xylographic edition in poṭhi format, published as part of the dGongs-rdzogs of H.E. the Karmapa XVI (Delhi: Delhi Karmapae Choedhey, 1984) held in Columbia University Libraries.
- N
- sNar-thang edition; xylographic copy held by the Danish Royal Library (Det Kongelige Bibliotek), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- P
- Peking edition; facsimile edition of the copy of Otani University (as Chibetto Daijōkyō—Tibetan Tripitaka, ed. D. T. Suzuki) held at the Danish Royal Library.
- TIB[Chag]
- Readings from Chag Lo-tsā-ba's translation of CMP found in RṄSG.