उत्तमस्य स्वपरस्थविकारदर्शनात् स्मितहसिते । मध्यमस्य विहसितोपहसिते । अधमस्यापहसितातिहसिते । उदाहृतयः स्वयमुत्प्रेक्ष्याः ।
ईदृशस्य हास्यरसस्यानुभावान् विभज्य दर्शयति स्मितमिहेति । अस्य व्यभिचारिणो दर्शयति व्यभिचारिणश्चास्येति ।
On page 150 (2nd ed. 1962) G.C.O. Haas comments about the half of the āryā running: apahasitaṃ sāsrākṣaṃ vikṣiptāṅgam bhavaty atihasitam (DR, IV. 78, present edition) as follows:
As it stands in the printed text, the first half of the second āryā stanza is defective, lacking one syllabic instant. … At the suggestion of Dr. L. H. Gray I have adopted the correction atīhasitam,’ etc. The first half may show 29 mātrā-s (whereas usually 30 are required), and so he feels it is defective. But Nārāyaṇabhaṭṭa in his commentary on the Vṛttaratnākara says: upagītir eva ādyārdhe adhikaikaguruyuktā pramadā nāma. mamaiva yathā---
yasya vilāsavatīnāṃ kelikalākauśale rativiratiḥ |maithunamātrarasajñaḥ śṛṅgavihinaḥ pumān sa paśuḥ ||Thus in this example there are 29 mātrā-s in the first half, and 27 in the second. Similar is the āryā of the DR under discussion. Therefore I do not think it to be defective āryā, even as it stands.