With the Commentaries Laghīyastrayavivṛti, Nyāyakumudacandra
By Bhaṭṭākalaṅkadeva and Prabhācandra
- Funder: German Research Foundation (DFG); Project "SARIT: Enriching Digital Text Collections in Indology" (Bilalteral Digital Humanities Programme DFG/NEH), 2013-2017
- Principal: Birgit Kellner
- data entry by: Aurorachana, Auroville
- prepared for SARIT by: Liudmila Olalde
- The corrections listed at the end of the print edition on which this electronic text is based were input by: Charles DiSimone.
Edition Statement
Publication Statement
Availability: restricted
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2014Source Description
Title: | Nyāya-Kumuda-Candra of Śrīmat Prabhācandrācārya |
Title: | A Commentary on Bhaṭṭākalaṅkadeva's Laghīyastraya |
Author: | Bhaṭṭākalaṅkadeva |
Author: | Prabhācandra |
Editor: | Mahendra Kumar Nyāyācarya |
Publisher: | Nathuram Premi Matri Granthamala |
Place of Publication: | Bombay |
Date: | 1938-1941 |
List of manuscripts an copies of the texts consulted by Mahendra Kumar Nyaya Shastri (see vol. 1, pp. 1-8.)
आ॰ आदर्शत्वेन कल्पिता ईडरभण्दारीया न्यायकुमुदचन्द्रस्य लिखिता प्रतिः; आ॰ वि॰ आदर्शप्रतौ त्रुटिता विवृतिः; ई॰ वि॰ (not listed); ज॰ जयपुरीयबाबादुलीचन्द्रभण्डारीया न्यायकुमुदचन्द्रस्य लिखिता प्रतिः; ज॰ वि॰ जयपुरीयबाबादुलीचन्द्रभण्डारीय विवृतेः लिखिता प्रतिः; ब॰ बनारसस्थस्याद्वादविद्यालयसत्का न्यायकुमुदन्द्रस्य लिखिता प्रतिः; भां॰ (and भा॰?) भण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरपूनासत्का न्यायकुमुदचन्द्रस्य ताडपत्रे कार्णाटाक्षरे लिखिता प्रतिः; श्र॰ श्रवणबेलगोलीयजैनमठसत्का न्यायकुमुदचन्द्रस्य ताडपत्रे कार्णाटाक्षरे लिहिता प्रतिः.Encoding Description
Editorial Description
The file contains three texts:
- The Nyāyakumudacandra (commentary 2) corresponds to the body-element.
- The Laghīyastrayavivṛti (commentary 1) was enclosed in a .
- The Laghīyastraya (base text) was enclosed in a within the Vivṛti-quotes. For the sake of consistency, also the verses that have no corresponding passage in the Vivṛti were wrapped in a .
The Nyāyakumudacandra is structured in four-levels:
- 4 parts encoded as div type="level1" subtype="praveśa", numbered from 1 to 4.
- 7 subparts encoded as div type="level2" subtype="pariccheda", numbered from 1 to 7. The numeration or this parts does not restart in each praveśa.
- Several subparts encoded as div type="level3", which enclose the verses in Laghīyastraya (base text) and the corresponding passages in the commentaries (Vivṛiti and Nyāyakumudacandra). These are numbered according to the verses in the Laghīyastraya.
- Several subparts encoded as div type="level4", which correspond to the subdivisions in the print edition.
- In the source file, there were two types of line breaks: returns (and possible surrounding space) and hyphens+returns. These were replaced with lb-elements. The ed-attribute "mkns" refers to Mahendra Kumar Nyaya Shastri's edition.
- Words from the Laghīyastraya and the Laghīyastrayavivṛti quoted in the Nyāyakumudacandra were enclosed in a .
- Variant readings in the footnotes were enclosed in .
- References were as far as possible enclosed in a ref-element.
- References to other works (enclosed in round or square brackets in the print edition) were wrapped in .
- Double quotation marks were replaced with quote.
- Single quotation marks were replaced with q.
- The footnotes were encoded as note-elements with their corresponding n-attribute.
- Footnotes extending over more than one page were enclosed in the same note-element. A pb-element within the note indicates the page break in the printed editon. pb's are encoded as follows: . Additional pb's within the footnotes are encoded like this: .
- All other round brackets (205 occurrences) were encoded as .
- All other square brackets (31 occurrences) were encoded as .
- Characters that were not readable in the print edition available to SARIT were enclosed in an unclear-element. The number of unclear akṣaras is given in an extent-attribute. Unreadable characters are rendered with dots, thus two unreadable akṣaras are encoded as follows: .. ...
- Single and double quotes that have no opening or closing counterpart were enclosed in .
- When a missing opening or closing quote (either single or double) was supplied by SARIT the q-/quote-element was given the resp-attribute "#nkc-q2".
- The footnote references were replaced with the corresponding note-elements.
- Some footnote references were wrong or missing. Notes that were relocated by the encoder were given the resp-attribute "nkc-notes". Notes that had no corresponding footnote reference and that could not be relocated were left at the end of each page.
- Because of the poor quality of the print exemplar used for digitization, several Visargas, Anusvāras and suspension points (high spacing dots) are missing in the footnotes.
The 1938 edition has a list of corrections at the end of each volume.These corrections have been encoded with the tags choice, sic, and corr. Page and line numbers of each correction are given in the n-attribute. Thus, refers to the correction on page 43, line 7. When multiple corrections occur in the same line and they are distinguished as and .
The following corrections differ from those found in the book:
- 8-17 is actually 8-18: The errata list states this is found on line 7 when it is actually on line 8
- 55-29 was not necessary.
- 515-9 is actually 551-9: The errata list incorrectly states this mistake is found on page 515 but it is actually on page 551.
- 671-12 is actually 671-17: The errata list incorrectly states this mistake is found on line 12 when it is actually on line 17.
- 824-13: This was a correction regarding a foonote reference. It was corrected without furhter choice-, sic-, and correction- tags.
- 837-8: This correction was unnecessary, for the correction given is the same as what appears in the text, stating that तम् in इत्याद्यभिहितम् should be emmended to तम्
Revision Description
- 2017-03-25: For a complete history of the changes in this file go to SARIT GitHub Repository. By