Typographical Conventions and Miscellaneous Abbreviations
- […]
- Material added by translator
- {…}
- Material found only in the Sanskrit
- (…)
- Material found only in the Tibetan translation
- strikeout
- characters that are cancelled in the original manuscript
- *saṃskṛta
- Sanskrit terms reconstructed from Tibetan testimony
- *bod skad
- Tibetan terms reconstructed from Sanskrit testimony
- ⁑
- Syllable cancelled in original manuscript (most common in C)
- ‽
- Syllable unclear in original manuscript
- [A:27a]
- Page break in MS A
- [B:69b]
- Page break in MS B
- [C:55a]
- Page break in MS C
- MS(S)
- Manuscript(s)
- Skt.
- Sanskrit (language)
- Tib.
- Tibetan (language)