अभिलाषो यथा शाकुन्तेले—
विस्मयो यथा—
आनन्दो यथा विद्धसालभञ्जिकायाम्—
साध्वसं यथा कुमारसंभवे—
यथा वा—
दशावस्थ इति । ता एवावस्थाः कथयति अभिलाष इत्यादिना । तत्राभिलाषं विवृणोति अभिलाष इति । तत्रापीति । दर्शनश्रवणाभ्यामुत्पन्नेऽप्यभिलाष इत्यर्थः । दर्शनं विवृणोति साक्षादिति । साक्षाद् दर्शनं, प्रतिकृतौ दर्शनं, स्वप्ने दर्शनं, मायादर्शनमिति दर्शनभेदा इत्यर्थः । श्रुतिभेदं व्युत्पादयति श्रुतिरिति । कमपि व्याजमवलम्ब्य कृते सखीगीते मागधादिभिः कृतायां गुणस्तुतौ च श्रुतिर्द्रष्टव्येत्यर्थः । तत्राभिलाषोत्पत्तिमुदाहरति असंशयमिति । विस्मयमुदाहरति स्तनावालोक्येति । आनन्दमुदाहरति उपप्राकाराग्रमिति साध्वसमुदाहरति तं वीक्ष्येति ।
All MSS. read vismayānandasādhvasāḥ. B.M. also gives it in the masculine. But the word sādhvasa is noted in the lexicons only in the neuter gender. It is not clear whether any lexicon notes an alternative masculine form of the word sādhvasa. A.T.A. uses the masculine form while introducing the illustration as sādhvaso yathā, etc. According to Dhanaṃjaya masculine form was also perhaps correct. In the opinion of Bh.Nr. too masculine form was probably correct. In his comments on the Prakrit verses cited under IV.5 (vevai, etc.), the Adyar MS. (Telugu) of the Ṭikā reads atra vepata iti sādhvasa ucyate, giving the word sādhvasa clearly in the masculine. I gave the neuter form there, because of the consideration that the lexicons note it only in the neuter gender. But in the line IV-53 (b) of the DR neuter form is not possible.
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According to Bh.Nṛ’s pratīka the second half beginning with upaprākārāgram seems to come first and then the first half. But MSS. read also the other way.
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The verse taṃ vīkṣya, etc. which is also cited by Bh.Nṛ., is missing in A.T.A.
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- कुमार॰ ८ । २↩