1109उत्स्वप्नायितो यथा रुद्रस्य—
भोगाङ्कानुमितो यथा—
गोत्रस्खलनकल्पितो यथा—
235 केलीगोत्तक्खळणे ।
N.S.P. vṛttyaṅgaiḥ.
↩ - शिशु॰ ११ । ३४↩
A.T.A. seems to read duddamamusaparihāsa. But according to Bh.Nṛ’s chāyā I chose the reading given here. N.S.P. gives duṭṭha uasu, with chāyā as duṣṭa paśya. The first foot of this verse occurs in a verse quoted in Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa.
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Gr.MS. gives durmadasya, and M.G.T. and T.MS. read durdamasya.