यथा कादम्बर्यां वैशम्पायनस्येति ।
1131उपलक्षणं चैतत् । शापजः स्वरूपान्यत्वाकरणेऽपि भवति । यथा शाकुन्तले—
प्रवासचर्या यथा—
रक्तस्त्वं नवपल्लवैः इत्यादि । नायिकाया यथा—
The portion within brackets which is not found in N.S.P., is found in A.T.A. Bahurūpamiśra also does not give any inkling of this. Of the four verses found here, the second verse unmīlanti nakhair, etc. is also cited in the Sāhityadarpaṇa, as an example for a different purpose. The raktas tvaṃ navapallavaiḥ, etc. is said to be from the Rāmābhyudaya of Yaśovarman and is quoted in the Dhvanyāloka (ad II. 19). I do not know whether the preceding verse he viprayoga-, etc. is also from the Rāmābhyudaya, as it seems possible. The verse nīrāgā, etc. is found in Jalhaṇa’s Sūktimuktāvalī (G.O.S., 82, p. 158). A.T.A. has nīrākā.
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