
With the Commentaries Siddhiviniścayavṛtti, Siddhiviniścayaṭīkā

By Akalaṅka and Anantavīrya

  • Funder: Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Principal: Birgit Kellner
  • data entry by: Aurorachana, Auroville
  • prepared for SARIT by: Liudmila Olalde

Edition Statement

Publication Statement

Availability: restricted

Source Description

Siddhivinishcayatikaof Shri Anantaviryacharya, The Commentary on Siddhivinishcaya and its vritti of Bhatta Akalanka Deva.Mahendrakumar Jain
Bhāratīya Jñānapītha Kāshī
2 volumes

Encoding Description

This file contains three text:

  • A base text, the Siddhiviniścaya, enclosed in (356 occurrences).
  • A commentary, Siddhiviniścayavṛtti, enclosed in . These quote elements are parents of . For the sake of consistency, quote-elements for "commentary1" were added even when there is no commentary (vṛtti) to a certain verse of the base text.
  • A subcommentary, Siddhiviniścayaṭīkā, which corresponds to the body-element.

The body-element consist of 12 parts encoded as div type="level1" subtype="prastāva". The back element corresponds to the Praśasti.

Editorial Description

Round and square brackets were were replaced by the SARIT-encoder with the following TEI-elements:

  • Brackets surrounding references to other works were encoded as . The cRef-attribute="unknown" indicates that the editor left the brackets empty in the print edition.
  • All other round brackets, which enclose corrections by the Mahendrakumar Jain (see in the Introduction to his 1959 edition, p. 18) were encoded as .
  • Square brackets surrounding the Siddhiviniścaya(vṛtti) were replaced with a rend-attribute "squarebrackets" to .
  • All other square brackets, which enclose additions by the Mahendrakumar Jain (see in the Introduction to his 1959 edition, p. 18), were encoded as supplied.

  • Line breaks: In the source file, there were two types of line breaks: returns (and possible surrounding space) and hyphens+returns. These were replaced with lb-elements. The ed-attribute "mkj" refers to Mahendrakumar Jain's 1959 edition.
  • Folio numbers of the manuscript consulted by Mahendrakumar Jain were enclosed in a pb-element with the ed-attribute "ms".
  • Bold characters were enclosed in
  • The footnotes were encoded as note-elements with their corresponding n-attribute.
  • Footnotes extending over more than one page were enclosed in the same note-element.
  • Note-elements are located where the footnote reference appears in the print edition.
  • Footnotes that had no corresponding footnote reference in the print edition were left at the end of each page.
  • Some footnote numbers were corrected by the SARIT-encoder. These notes have been added a resp-attribute.
  • Single quotes were encoded as q-elements.
  • Double quotes were encoded as quote-elements.
  • Single and double quotes that have no opening or closing counterpart were enclosed in an unclear-element.
  • Square brackets that have no opening or closing counterpart were enclosed in an unclear-element.
  • The signs † and § where encoded as anchor-elements.

Note: Some syllables were illegible in the scans available to SARIT, these have been encoded either as gap- (164 occurrences) or unclear-elements (5 occurrences). The agent-attribute "scan" indicates that the scan available was not clear enough, whereas "print" means that the passage was already illegible in the print edition. Note-elements belonging to unclear passages (5 occurrences) have been left at the end of the page and have been assigned the ana-attribute "gap".

Revision Description

  • 2017-03-24: Replaced seg-tags (before or after † and §) with anchor-elements. Resolved some gaps unclear passages. By
  • 2017-03-25: For a complete history of the changes in this file go to SARIT GitHub Repository. By
